How to Install Nmap in Termux: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you looking for a powerful network exploration tool to use on your Android device? Nmap is a popular choice among security professionals and hobbyists alike. And the good news is that you can easily install it on your Android device through the Termux terminal emulator.

nmap -sn <network>Ping scan the specified network to find active hosts
nmap -p <ports> <target>Scan the specified ports on the target host
nmap -A <target>Aggressive scan, which attempts to identify the operating system and services running on the target host
nmap -sV <target>Version detection, which attempts to identify the version numbers of the services running on the target host
nmap --script=<script-name> <target>Run the specified Nmap script against the target host
nmap -O <target>Operating system detection, which attempts to identify the operating system running on the target host
nmap -T<0-5> <target>Set the timing template for the scan, where 0 is slow and 5 is fast
nmap -sS <target>TCP SYN scan, which is a stealthy scan that can be used to evade detection
nmap -sU <target>UDP scan, which is used to scan for open UDP ports on the target host
nmap -v <target>Verbose output, which provides more detailed information about the scan

Steps to install Nmap in Termux

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to install Nmap in Termux.

Step 1: Open Termux

First, open the Termux app on your Android device. Termux is a powerful terminal emulator that allows you to run Linux commands on your Android device.

Step 2: Update Package

Lists Before you can install Nmap, you need to make sure that your package lists are up-to-date. To do this, run the following command in the Termux terminal:

apt update

This will update the package lists for Termux.

Step 3: Install Nmap

Now that your package lists are up-to-date, you can proceed with the installation of Nmap. To do this, run the following command in the Termux terminal:

apt install nmap

This will install Nmap on your Android device.

Step 4: Start Using Nmap

Once the installation is complete, you can start using Nmap by running the nmap command in the Termux terminal. You can use various options and flags with the nmap command to perform a range of network exploration tasks.

For example, you can use the -sn flag to perform a simple ping scan of the devices on your network:

nmap -sn

This will scan the IP range from to and display the devices that respond to a ping request.

How to use Nmap in termux without root?

Nmap is a powerful network exploration tool that can be used for security auditing and network discovery. With Termux, you can use Nmap on your Android device without rooting it. We’ll go through some common use cases for Nmap in Termux.

  1. Scan for Hosts on a Network: One of the most common uses for Nmap is scanning a network for hosts. To do this, you can use the following command in Termux:
nmap -sn <network-address>

Replace <network-address> with the IP address or subnet, you want to scan. This will send a ping request to each device on the network and show a list of the ones that respond.

  1. Scan for Open Ports: You can also use Nmap to scan for open ports on a host. To do this, use the following command:
nmap -p- <host-address>

Replace <host-address> with the IP address or hostname of the device, you want to scan. This will scan all ports on the device and show a list of the ones that are open.

  1. Scan for Vulnerabilities: Nmap can also be used to scan for known vulnerabilities on a device. To do this, use the following command:
nmap --script <script-name> <host-address>

Replace <script-name> with the name of the Nmap script you want to use and <host-address> with the IP address or hostname of the device, you want to scan. This will run the specified script against the device and show a list of any vulnerabilities it finds.

  1. Scan for Operating System and Services: Nmap can also be used to identify the operating system and services running on a device. To do this, use the following command:
nmap -A <host-address>

Replace <host-address> with the IP address or hostname of the device, you want to scan. This will scan the device and show information about its operating system, services, and more.


In this guide, we’ve shown you how to install Nmap in Termux on your Android device. With Nmap, you can explore your network, perform security audits, and much more. The possibilities are endless! So go ahead and start exploring with Nmap in Termux.

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