How to use Termux API

Install Termux API

Before using Termux API, you need to install it on your Android device. To install Termux API, open the Termux terminal and type the following command:
pkg install termux-api
This command will install Termux API on your device.

Grant Permissions

After installing Termux API, you need to grant permission to access the device’s hardware and software features. To grant permissions, type the following command in the Termux terminal:
This command will prompt you to grant storage permissions. Tap “Allow” to grant permission.

Access Device Features

Once you’ve installed Termux API and been granted the necessary permissions, you can start accessing device features using various commands. Here are a few examples:
To access the camera, use the command termux-camera-photo. This command will take a photo using the device’s camera and save it to the default storage location.
To send an SMS message, use the command termux-sms-send -n <phone_number> -m <message_text>. Replace <phone_number> with the recipient’s phone number and <message_text> with the message you want to send.
To get the device’s location, use the command termux-location -p network -r. This command will retrieve the device’s location using the network and return the latitude and longitude coordinates.

These are just a few examples of how to use Termux API to access device features. You can find more commands and features in the Termux API documentation.


Termux API provides a convenient way to access Android device hardware and software features from the Termux terminal. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can install and use Termux API to access various device features and automate tasks.

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