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What is Termux?
Termux is an Android Terminal Emulator app. Which provides a Kali Linux environment. The commands of Termux are similar to those of Kali Linux. So if you do not have a PC for Kali Linux. Then you can start with Termux.
How to download Termux?
To download Termux, first, you have to go to Termux’s official website termux.com. Here you will get the button of Getting it On Droid, by clicking on which you will be redirected to Fdroid’s website. From here you have to download the latest version of Termux. After downloading you have to install it on your mobile.
Termux Basic Command-List
$ apt update && apt upgrade
When we download Termux, all the packages are not already updated in it. apt update && apt upgrade command is used to update old packages available in Termux and download new packages.
$ apt install package-name
This command is used to install any package in Termux. Suppose we want to install Python in Termux, then for that we have to use the apt install python command.
$ apt remove package-name
This command is used to uninstall any package available in Termux. Suppose we want to uninstall Python from Termux, then for that we have to use the apt remove python command.
$ termux-setup-storage
We use this command to give storage permission to Termux. Apart from this, we can go to Termux’s App Info and give it Storage permission.
$ pkg list-all
This command is used to view the list of Installed Packages in Termux.
$ date
The date command is used to view the date in the Terminal of Termux.
$ cal
Cal command is used to view the calendar in the Terminal of Termux.
$ clear
Clear command is used to clear the Terminal of Termux.
cd stands for Change Directory. The Cd command is used to change the current directory/folder. Suppose we want to go to Storage Directory/Folder in Termux, then for that, we can use the cd command like this (cd storage). With cd .. we can exit any Directory/Folder.
We use cd $HOME to go to the Home Directory.
The ls command is also known as the Listing Command. The ls command is used to display all the files or folders in the current directory.
~ What is Inode Number?
Inode Number stores the complete information (except data and name) of any file or directory.
$ ls -i file_name
ls -i command is used to find the inode number of any file.
$ ls -if dir_name
ls -if is used to see the inode number of any directory. If f is not used to force the directory then the ls -i will not show us its inode number.
$stat dir-name
The stat command is used to view the inode number of a file or directory.
$ ls -rf dir-name
The ls -rf command is used to view hidden subdirectories.
$ ls -lh dir-name
The ls -lh command is used to view information such as size, permission, modified date and time, files and folders name, etc. of any file or directory.
The whoami command is used to display the name of the currently logged-in user.
$ pwd
pwd command is used to display the path of the current directory.
$ cat
This command is used to create, view, and edit files. To open or create a file in Termux, we can use the cat command in this way ( $cat > file-name ). To open any file in Termux, we can use the cat command like this ( $ cat file-name ).
The mkdir command is used to create a Directory/Folder. Suppose we want to create a Directory / Folder named Tech, then for this we use the mkdir command.
$ termux-torch
The termux-torch command is used to turn on/off the torch from the terminal of termux. e.g. $ termux-torch on or $ termux-torch off
$ termux-tts-engines
The termux-tts-engines command is used to see the text-to-speech engines/(voice assistant software) used in the device.
$ termux-usb
Termux-usb command is used for file transfer (through USB) from termux.
$ termux-vibrate
The termux-vibrate command is used to vibrate the device.
$ termux-volume
The termux-volume command is used to view the device volume.
termux-wallpaper command is used to set wallpaper from termux.
How to remove Termux Welcome Screen?
First of all you have to run this ( cd /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc ) command
Have to use it so that you will go to the etc directory. When you will apply the ls command here, then here you will get a file named motd. You have to delete this file ($ rm -rf motd). After this, when you close Termux and open it, you can see that the Welcome Screen of Termux has been removed.
How to customize the font and color of Terminal in Termux?
First of all, you have to download Termux Styling App from Fdroid. After this, you have to go to Terminal of Termux and long press on the screen. By which You have to click. A new window will open in your terminal where you can see the Style option. After clicking on Style, you will get the option of Choose Color and Choose Font from where you can customize the font and color of the terminal.
How to use Termux Float?
To use Termux Float, first, you have to download and install the Termux Float application from Fdroid. After this, you have to give some permissions to the Termux Float application. Now when you open Termux Float Application, the Terminal of Termux will appear in the small window.
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