What is Bug Bounty? | Types of Exploitations

Bug Bounty is a reward given to a hacker when he finds any bugs in any website or software. In today’s article, we are going to discuss Bug Hunting and the types of Exploitations in Bug Bounty.

What is Bug Bounty?

Bug bounty programs reward hackers who discover vulnerabilities in websites for those companies that have not taken proactive measures to secure their systems. Companies often offer financial rewards to hackers who report bugs they find; these rewards vary widely depending on the size of the bug and whether the company has been notified already. Hackers might receive thousands of dollars for discovering critical flaws in software. In some cases, security researchers work under a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) where they do not report details about the vulnerability until the company fixes it.

How does Bug Bounty work?

There are many different types of bugs and weaknesses that hackers look for in order to exploit a system and gain access to sensitive information. These bugs and weaknesses could lead to a denial of service attack, account hijacking, ransomware, password hacking, data theft, credit card fraud, and any number of other possible attacks. There are three ways hackers target websites: remote, local, and network-based attacks. Remote exploits occur when someone sends malicious code to a server over the internet. Local attacks happen when someone gains control over a computer while it’s connected directly to a website. A network-based attack occurs when someone compromises a computer on a local area network and then uses that compromised machine to attack other computers on the network.

What are Remote Exploits?

Remote exploits are difficult to detect but require less time and effort than local and network-based hacks. Most web applications today use either SSL or TLS encryption to protect user credentials and other sensitive information. However, sometimes the encryption is weak enough for hackers to take advantage of. To fix this problem, it is recommended that all sites add additional layers of protection by using two-factor authentication. Strong passwords should be set at a minimum. Users should change their passwords regularly and make sure they are unique and hard to guess. All web servers should be firewalled off from the rest of the Internet to prevent outside access. If a hacker manages to get past the firewall, they may still be unable to reach the right database or file due to permissions set up on the server. The best way to avoid this is to limit access to directories that store files and databases. User permissions should be set accordingly. Server logs should also be monitored and reviewed to ensure no unauthorized activity was performed.

What is Local Exploitation?

Local exploitation means attackers compromise a computer and use that machine to attack the website. Local exploits are easier to detect because they tend to leave obvious traces behind. Hacks can appear in log files, error messages, and browser history. Usually, these hacks result in a redirect loop, but they can also give attackers full control over a server. The best way for website owners to address this issue is to install antivirus software and antispyware tools on all servers. Antivirus programs scan each file uploaded to the site to identify and remove viruses and malware.


In this article, we have discussed Bug Bounty & types of Exploitation. If you like this article share it with your friends and for further queries just comment below.

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