Zphisher Termux | Zphisher Kali Linux | Zphisher GitHub

Phishing is not an efficient way to hack a device But in the world, more than 50% of hacking attacks are conducted through Phishing.

If I send you a link and you click on that then your all information can be hacked. Today we will share an amazing phishing tool known as Zphisher.

Before starting I will give you a clear disclaimer that this tool is only for educational purposes. If any user uses it unethically then you will be responsible for that.

Zphiaher in Termux

Termux is an Android Emulator that provides a kali experience in Android. Zphisher is an automated tool that means you need to enter some instructions and it will provide you phishing link.

Let’s move towards the installation of Zphisher in Termux:

$ apt update 
$ apt upgrade 
$ apt install git 
$ git clone https://github.com/htr-tech/zphisher
$ cd zphisher 
$ bash zphisher.sh

You can also use an alternative method to download Zphisher in Termux.

$ apt update 
$ apt upgrade 
$ apt install git
$ pkg install tur-repo 
$ pkg install zphisher 
$ zphisher 

Zphisher in Kali Linux

Kali Linux is the most popular Linux Distribution. If you are using other Kali Distro then you can use these Kali Linux commands at all. Let’s move forward and see out the installation commands.

$ apt-get update 
$ apt-get upgrade 
$ apt install git 
$ git clone https://github.com/htr-tech/zphisher
$ cd zphisher
$ chmod +x *
$ ./zphisher.sh 

Now you can use Zphisher by giving some instructions. It will help you a lot to understand the concepts of phishing. There are many techniques by which phishing is performed.

I will talk about Phishing later. Still, I hope you like this tutorial, and if you have any further queries just comment below.

Take a look at the most trending topics given below and check out them for more informative things.


How to open Zphisher in Kali Linux?

$ bash zphisher.sh

How to Uninstall zphisher in termux?

$ rm -rf zphisher

Is Zphisher safe?

Yes, Zphisher is very safe. But if you use any unethical work then it can’t be safe.

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